"The type of structures I reference; apartments and houses, are structures that we have all experienced in various and intimate ways. This level of familiarity is crucial, allowing the environments created to resonate with the viewer and allow them to create parallels between my visual interpretations and that which they have directly experienced in their own reality.
I am influenced by a variety of themes and issues that surround the neighborhoods and housing developments that make up my surroundings. The increasing density of residential structures and the recent crash of the housing market resulting in countless homes abandoned and foreclosed are both areas I explore in my photographs. I am interested in the tension caused by these and other issues surrounding the notion of home and by exaggerating the architecture and construction of these spaces as well as my own interventions on the spaces I construct, I try to focus on this tension and call into question my own understanding of these common spaces.
The environments depicted in my photographs are close to the actual but are not completely accurate or exact copies of reality. The discrepancies between reality and construct vary from subtle shifts in architecture to obvious voids that serve no apparent function. I construct the situations I photograph as a way to challenge my understanding of the buildings and neighborhoods I am referencing and I am interested in calling attention to the function of the constructed model in relation to what the depicted subject matter is proposing.
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